Yo voy a salir con unos amigos a comer y luego estaremos en mi casa viendo movies, conviviendo, jugando y a ver q mas se nos ocurre. Mas noche a las 8 p.m. tengo vigilia (oracion) en casa de mis papas. Tu q planes tienes?? Have a wonderful weekend!! God bless you!
Espero todos tengan bonito fin de semana. Live, Love, & Laugh!!!
Hi Juanita, How are you? My son is doing good and growing... Let see he's 8 months now has 6 teeths (4 on top, 2 bottom) He's crawling and trying to get into everything and anything he can. Here is a recent picture of him taken this past Wednesday (1/24/07). My son is the one on the right with the blue and yellow outfit. The other boy is my niece's son he is 3 weeks older than mine.
I'm fine Bebe. Your baby is older than I thought, I don't know why but I thought he was younger, it doesn't seem that it was that long ago when you had gone into Jenni's forum to say that you had already had your baby. Your baby is really cute, who babysits him when your at work?
My mother babysits him. Thank God!! Imaginate if I had to take him to a daycare. The first day I came back to work I must of called about 20 times to check on him and keep telling my mom how to take care of him like if she didn't know....DUH!! LOL I'm suprised she didn't disconnect the phone. LOL But I'm doing better I call only twice a day now...LOL.