Tomorrow is our club picnic. For those of you that are going, if you can bring a blanket and/or chairs (beach chairs, etc.) it would really help since we are going to be a large group. Also, just this week I got a new order of rhinestone designs. These are different than the first ones we got made (long story as to why). Well this is what they look like:
These are priced at $8 each
I also bought some hats (6 blacks and 6 white) and ironed the design onto them. Here's a pic of the white ones:
These are $13
I will take the hats I made and a few of the designs to the picnic for anybody that is interested in buying some. For those of you that wont be attending but would like to buy something, send me an email at or
Well, those of you that are going to the picnic, see you tomorrow. Remember that it starts at noon.