Im going to mexico this month a visitar a mi abuelita, pero tambien en el mismo pueblo esta mi verdadero papa. Como alguno de ustedes y para los que no saben, mi papa no nos dio una vida normal, fue puros abuso phycologicos y phisicos.. el golpio a madre cuando yo ere nino y a mi me traba muy mal. el nos abandono cuando yo tenia 7 anos, pero siempre venia a vernos para navidad solamente y era para dejar los regalos y irse. nunca nos presaba su tiempo. cuando yo tenia como 10 anos el fue deportado a mexico y ya nunca escuchamos de el. ni una llamada o carta. todo lo que nos enteramos de el lo sabemos por mi abuelita... buen pues este ano decidi ir a pasarme mi cumpleanos en mexico para aprovechar las fiestas de jalisco... yo se se me lo voy a encontrar... Mis Preguntas que les queiro preguntar..:
Que Le Dijo?
Como platico Con el?
Que Ago?
Please help me... necesito saber una idea de lo que le voy a decir cuando lo mire, solo se que no me quiero portar gacho con el por que a si no me enseno mi mommy... i leave on the 16... so hurry with your help...
just relax...i know it's a weird situation... just go in there and be like "hi, im ur son" or just talk to him...try not to bring up the past u know.....
Hello Manny well lo unico que te puedo decir es que tu si lo ves saludalo y si te hase conversacion tu platica con el no es bueno tener rencor yo no soy quien darte consejos porque llo no hablo con mi verdadero papa y no quiero saver nada de el.. mi mama tambien me enceno a respetar a los mayores pero nomas a el no lo puedo ver ni hablar con el yo no conosi a ese senor asta que cumpli los 8 anos y para que fue para que hablara mal de mi mama y de mi buno yo lo unico que te puedo decir es saludalo y si nase de ti hablar con el habla saca lo que tienes por dentro si tienes preguntas preguntacelas no te quedes callado porque despues vas a desear que te conteste todas las preguntas que tenias y va a ser muy tarde yo te deseo buena suerte y diviertete es tu cumple no dejes que nadie te lo eche a perder
Manny, I have a similar situation to you. I have not spoken to my dad in about 10 years, if not more. Personally I don't want to. He did try to talk to me and all his arsh got was the cold shoulder!
No one here can tell you how you are going to react when you see him. Nor can they tell you what to say, but if I where in your shoes, I would just IGNORE the phucker just as he ignored you and your family. Remember that it take more than a d!ck and balls to be a dad, you have to be a man, not some b!+ch that takes off or disappears!
Hi Manny, I can't tell you what to do or say, that has to come from you. It might help if when you see him and talk to him to tell him how you felt when he left you guys, I think that might help you feel better to get it off your chest. Also you might want to let him know that you and your mom are doing fine y que an seguido adelante.
Thank you for trusting us with this info. I will tell you that I agree with the others. No one can tell you much of what to say and how to react because we are all different. I always tell people to follow their hearts though. I agree with Juanita and Sandra. Do not leave any doubts in your mind. It is always good to let your unresolved issues get resolved when life gives you the opportunity to do so. The best thing to do is to wait and be patient. Let god guide you through that rough moment that is coming your way.
Personally, I have never come to understand how some people can live their lives knowing that they have a child and they do not know anything about them. Some people might say that they have their reasons and that no one can know until they go trough it but you know what?...
I had a greeeeat father who had it very hard with seven of us but he never gave up on us no matter how tough it was. Even when my mother would give him a hard time, he was there and sacrificed his whole life for us.
Therefore, I tell myself if he was able to do it, it was because he wanted to and when a person really wants something, they work for it.
In the other hand, I feel that I am no one to judge a person because life will take care of it. Believe me, I have seen it and lived it. There is no one single person who leaves this world without paying the consequences of their bad decisions in their life. When having resentment and anger in ones heart all we are doing is harming oneself.
Manny, in this case, I am not of great help because fortunately I was lucky to have my father and I do not know what it is not to have one. All I can really say is to take this time as your vacation and ONLY that. Please do not let anything ruin it because many of us will give anything to have that little extra time to visit our loved ones in Mexico. For example Rene, his mother is very ill and he can't go because of his immigration status.
Think about your grandmother and the joy you are giving her by being there. Think of the time you will be taking to relax and spent some time for yourself and with other people who do and did care for you in your childhood.
Manny, sometimes we tend to concentrate in all the negative feelings and things. By doing so, we attract the negative vibes and we end up missing out on the best and all the positive feelings and things in this live that surround us.
Sorry for my long note is just that I like to write a lot to express myself better.
Let me know if I can be of further help and if you need anyone to listen to you in person or by phone, you know my number, please consider it ALWAYS!